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The Privilege of Who You Truly Are (El Privilegio de Ser Verdaderamente Quien Uno Es).

"THE PRIVILEGE OF A LIFETIME IS TO BECOME WHO YOU TRULY ARE" (Jung) A universal misunderstanding is believing that who we truly are is the same as who we are. Unfortunately there is a confusion between ego's desires and the promptings of the soul. The discovery of who we truly are require a challenging and heroic inner journey that very few are willing to take, despite the fact that such journey will heal, transform, and give meaning to our lives. Parents and significant others did not teach us how to travel to the inner temple because they themselves were not instructed on how to do it. However, thanks to the teachings of some courageous inner travelers, now we have a general map of the soul and, therefore, you have the tools to become who you truly are, which is different from who your ego is. Have you gone within? and what have you found? Please let me know.


Un malentendido universal es creer que ser verdaderamente uno mismo es lo mismo que lo que uno es actualmente. Desafortunadamente hay una confusion entre los deseos del ego y las verdades esenciales del alma. El descubrimiento verdadero de uno mismo conlleva un viaje interior heroico y dificil que pocas personas estan dispuestos a realizar, a pesar que dicho viaje sana, transforma, y le da sentido a nuestras vidas. Padres y personas importantes no nos ensenaron como viajar hacia ese templo interior ya que ellos mismos no conocian de dichas ensenanzas. Sin embargo, gracias a las ensenanzas de algunos viajeros al interior de sus vidas, ahora tenemos a disposicion un mapa del alma y, por tanto, usted tiene las herramientas para llegar a ser quien usted es verdaderamente, lo cual es diferente de su ego.

Ha tenido la oportunidad de viajar a su interior? Y que ha encontrado?

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